Mr. Yunh Hiang Dangc

Mrs. Naix Linh Dangc

From: Bao Lierm Cao Bang, Vietnam  Occupation: Pastor a congregation of 100+ members

“Then Jesus went home, but again a large crowd gathered there. There were so many people that he and his followers could not eat. His family heard about all these things. They went to get him because people said he was crazy.” - Mark 3:20-21 (ERV)

When I was 15 years old, my parents were looking for me to marry. My parents looked at the Taoist book and saw that Naix and I matched as a couple. We were told to get married, we didn’t want to be with each other. I had someone else. I left Naix after we got married to go with my girlfriend. A couple years later, I eventually broke up with the other women. During this time, I hated Christians. I hated hearing about Jesus because I was practicing to becoming a Shaman. I thought that if we believed in Jesus, we would fly away and die.

In April of 1998, lots of people in my village became Christians. All because of this “Crazy person” who had no name. The crazy person said, everyone must believe in Jesus, if not, they will agonize on the last days. He spoke many things about salvation and would perform miracles. Whatever he prophesized would happened. Many people heard of this person and would come see him. The crazy person would call out each person’s sin and the individuals would confess their sins and became believers of Christ instantly. This crazy person was known to be illiterate but from time to time, he would write songs and proclaimed it was from the Lord and read it out loud. This was unheard of. All the people in the village became believers.

After hearing this, my father came to see this crazy person. My father converted as soon as he got home, he became very ill and went into shock. There was a brother who lived an hour away came to our home prayed over my father and my father was immediately healed. My entire family converted and believed in Jesus. We were the first ones in our village to become Christians. As new believers, we didn’t know how to pray. The brother that helped convert us told us to pray every time we go anywhere or do anything. We heard him say, “Amen” and didn’t know what Amen meant. So we just said Amen every time we went anywhere or do anything.

We had no resources at the time except the Bible to follow Jesus with. A few years later, we got a cassette full of worship songs and using this to worship God. We started to understand how to read and write Mien with this. We had no way of copying the cassette and would hand write every song so that we can learn the words. When we had the opportunity to go to the city, we would make a few more copies to give out. The local authorities started noticing that we were worshiping God and tried to stop us. At first, we would worship in the early morning, then we changed it to late evening, and finally when they started giving us more problems we moved into the cave about an hour away from our village. We would have a couple people watching for outsiders while the rest worships. Now, the local authorities are more open to let us gather in our village to praise and worship God.

After attending Seminary School and learning about Jesus, I realized that I needed to respect my wife. I also realized that Jesus uses the most unqualified person to bring others to Him. Just like the crazy person in the village who did many miraculous things. In Jesus time, people thought Jesus was a crazy person but He was and is the Son of God.

Naix: “My husband’s behavior started changing when he started attending Seminary School. We started communicating more”.

We rode on the motorcycle for about 12 hours to get to the airport in Hanoi, Vietnam. Flew in the airplane for about three and a half hours to get to Chiang Rai, Thailand. Naix didn’t want to come because she is shy. However, I see that there are so many couples having problems and not working together to follow Christ and I didn’t want that for my marriage. After attending this conference, it allowed me to understand how to be a loving husband and how to show Naix that I love her. After this conference I said, “I love you” to my Naix for the first time. I learned ways to have a more meaningful marriage. I really want this type of conference in Vietnam. To let all old and young know what marriage in Christ looks like. We really want this conference to be held in Vietnam and will do whatever we can to support this conference. I know that others can benefit from it. There are too many couples separating, having affairs, and losing faith.

Naix: “I learned how I can be a good wife for my husband by supporting in him and working with him side by side to do God’s work”.

Prayer Request

Please help pray that there will be a conference like this one in our country. The leaders and Pastors are becoming lukewarm and not invested whole heartedly in Christ. Many are getting discouraged and losing faith. They are moving towards finding jobs in the city and leaving their church and villages. Please send teachers or Pastors that have deep knowledge of the Word to teach and help us grow in our faith. Please also pray for our children that they follow Christ and that my wife can learn to write Mien quickly and start serving in the Lord. Pray that God will give us a church in our village. Pray that my father will stop drinking.

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